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Dan Connors
May 10, 20226 min read
Think outside your brain- how to recapture 99% of your mental potential.
The Extended Mind: The Power of Thinking Outside the Brain Annie Murphy Paul 2021 There is a commonly held belief that humans only...
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Dan Connors
Jan 4, 20225 min read
How to tell your inner critic to shut the F#@k Up!
Chatter: The Voice in Our Head, Why It Matters, and How to Harness It Ethan Kross Why do we keep hearing voices inside our head? What do...
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Dan Connors
Nov 4, 20213 min read
The seven-year-old who knocked it out of the park
Move over Greta Thunberg. Australian Molly Wright is on her way to becoming one of the youngest and most persuasive influencers ever. ...
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Dan Connors
Oct 11, 20217 min read
Hang in there- the story isn't over yet
"I'm breathing and believe me that's a HUGE accomplishment. Long story short I SURVIVED! #I'm alive #end the stigma #STOP SUICIDE" ...
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Dan Connors
Aug 30, 20214 min read
The mental health anthem that's the most powerful song ever
Every once in a while, I run across something that touches me so deeply I can't stop thinking about it. I first heard "You Will Be...
3,366 views0 comments

Dan Connors
Feb 6, 20216 min read
Surviving Death
Death. We all avoid thinking about it or talking about it because it's unknown and scary. But there's something about winter that makes...
1,202 views0 comments

Dan Connors
Jan 31, 20215 min read
Post Corona- How will our world change?
Post Corona: From Crisis to Opportunity Scott Galloway 2020 Our world has been changing rapidly for decades...
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Dan Connors
Jan 30, 20215 min read
Why we need consequences for being wrogn
Was a secret cabal of Satan-worshiping, cannibalistic pedophiles running a global child sex-trafficking ring about to be exposed and...
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Dan Connors
Jan 10, 20215 min read
Subliminal - An entire world that both saves us and deceives us
Subliminal: How Your Unconscious Mind Rules Your Behavior Leonard Mlodinow 2012 Look at the tasty photo above. In addition to selling...
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Dan Connors
Jan 7, 20217 min read
The World Happiness Report and the secret sauce of Scandinavia
Imagine a poll of every country in the entire world where someone goes to random citizens and asks them to rate their happiness on a...
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Dan Connors
Dec 28, 20205 min read
How to not be an emotional moron. What quadrant are you in right now?
Permission to Feel: Unlocking the Power of Emotions to Help Our Kids, Ourselves, and Our Society Thrive Mark Brackett 2019 Are emotions...
1,116 views0 comments

Dan Connors
Dec 23, 20204 min read
Normalcy Bias- the Pandemic's biggest killer
When the Titanic hit an iceberg and started sinking, the people aboard were shocked. Most of them were in denial that this grand ship,...
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Dan Connors
Dec 22, 20207 min read
Beating the Loneliness Epidemic- straight from the US Surgeon General
Together: Why Social Connection Holds the Key to Better Health, Higher Performance, and Greater Happiness Vivek Murthy, 2020 Loneliness...
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Dan Connors
Dec 14, 20203 min read
The Galvins of Colorado- Six schizophrenic sons and a treasure trove of data for researchers
Hidden Valley Road: Inside the Mind of an American Family Robert Kolker, 2020 Schizophrenia is one of the scariest of all the mental...
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Dan Connors
Dec 13, 202014 min read
25 Christmas and Holiday songs, videos and stories that will lift up your soul.
“Music has healing power. It has the ability to take people out of themselves for a few hours.” – Elton John “Music is a weapon in the...
30,155 views0 comments

Dan Connors
Dec 10, 202012 min read
Who are the suckers who fall for self-deceptions? We are. Cognitive biases part 4
Does the truth matter? Which is better- an ugly truth or a pretty lie? Sometimes it's better for everybody if the truth is ugly enough...
325 views0 comments

Dan Connors
Dec 7, 20205 min read
Do we have an elephant in our brains?
The Elephant in the Brain: Hidden Motives in Everyday Life Kevin Simler, Robin Hanson 2017 Why do we do what we do? Are we pretty...
4,612 views0 comments

Dan Connors
Dec 4, 20204 min read
Think like a monk, not a monkey
Think Like a Monk: Train Your Mind for Peace and Purpose Every Day Jay Shetty, 2020 I've always wondered about monks. Monasteries and...
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Dan Connors
Dec 2, 202011 min read
Why are we lying to ourselves? Cognitive biases part 3
"Self-deception is a defining part of our human nature. By recognizing its various forms in ourselves and reflecting upon them, we may be...
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Dan Connors
Nov 29, 20209 min read
Cognitive biases Part 2- pulling back the curtain on why our brains lie to us.
“Of all the liars in the world, sometimes the worst are our own fears.” ― Rudyard Kipling, The Collected Works Our brains lie to...
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